Traffic Glass – Transparent anti-noise panels
These transparent anti-noise panels made of glass are designed for the implementation of anti-noise walls in the vicinity of traffic routes. It is a specially thermally toughened glass, which ensures high durability of the entire panel combined with excellent optical properties.
Effective noise protection
The transparent anti-noise glass panels are designed for implementation in anti-noise measures in the vicinity of traffic roads, or to reduce noise transmission from industrial areas, sports grounds etc. Traffic Glass products consist of thermally toughened glass with thicknesses of 10, 12 or 15 mm and a profile frame.

Design comes first
Traffic Glass offers a wide range of design possibilities. The aesthetic function of the glass is supported by its durability, inertness to aggressive environments, resistance to scratch damage and relative stability of parameters and their slow degradation due to aging. Compared to other materials, which after only a few years of exposure to UV radiation lose their transparency, colour fastness and are more susceptible to scratch damage, glass is here the ideal choice.
Protection for birds against flying into glass
The collision of birds with glass surfaces is one of the most important factors of mortality for these animals. The only way to prevent such collisions is to implement warning signals on the glass. There are different types of warning signage. One measure against bird mortality is by printing patterns on Traffic Glass products. We consider as the most effective method printing a horizontal network of lines 2 mm thick at axial distances of 30 mm of any colour on the glass.

Where a light solution is needed
Traffic Glass is used on bridges due to its lower weight, but also as an additional element in solid walls, to offer drivers some contact with the environment. Let’s give passengers unrestricted view on the countryside, even where protection from excessive noise from road and rail traffic is needed.
Environmental friendliness
Traffic Glass is environmentally friendly as it is manufactured using new, advanced technology that doesn’t require cadmium anymore. AGC products are certified by the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver eco-label.