Emajlirano staklo


Countless colour options

Explore Colorbel

Colorbel combines durability and colour stability in a single product. One side of this thermally toughened glass is coated with coloured enamel (available in a wide range of colours). It delivers optimal mechanical strength, making it highly resistant to extreme temperature differences, UV radiation, scratches and stains. Due to its robust surface, it is easy to process and install and the fact that it is non-flammable (resistant up to 100°C) makes it ideal for facade applications.

Colorbel Applications

Facades and curtain walls

All-glass facades are increasingly shaping today’s urban skylines. Whether part of the facade structure or integrated into a curtain wall, glass has become an ideal material for building envelopes since it offers numerous benefits and breathtaking aesthetics.


Glass can create a timeless atmosphere of sophistication and tranquility through elements such as glass table tops, wardrobes and shelving, making it possible to add depth and style to interior spaces.


Unlike vision glass, which is meant to be transparent, spandrel glass is opaque and is used to conceal the areas between floors and hide unsightly structural components. When used together, spandrels and vision glass give the appearance of an all-glass facade.

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